How To Reset Ceph Admin Dashboard

Guide Create a file that contain new password echo -n "<password>" > dashboard-password Update the password # Mimic or Older version of ceph ceph dashboard set-login-credentials admin -i dashboard-password # Nautilus or Newer version of ceph ceph dashboard ac-user-set-password admin -i dashboard-password Referensi

July 31, 2023 · 1 min · Aji Arya

Cara Deploy Ceph Dashboard Pada Deployment Manual

Prasyarat Klaster Ceph Panduan Install package ceph-mgr-dashboard pada semua host ceph-mgr Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt install -y ceph-mgr-dashboard RHEL/CentOS/Rocky 8 sudo dnf install -y ceph-mgr-dashboard RHEL/CentOS/Rocky 7 sudo yum install -y ceph-mgr-dashboard Aktifkan module dashboard pada ceph-mgr ceph mgr module enable dashboard Buat TLS untuk ceph dashboard ceph dashboard create-self-signed-cert Buat user echo "rahasia123" > password....

August 29, 2021 · 1 min · Aji Arya